siliciumoxid videos

This is my excursion to the side of electronic music. I started playing around with samples and the Roland Juno 106, an analog synthesizer and the Roland r8 drumcomputer and also a mini disc player. all recorded with an tascam 4 track recorder on cassette. as a result I had one release „Unruh“ in 2013 under the project name siliciumoxid. In 2007 I as invited by Miguel Marin (Spain) to play write songs for the Murakami festival at the convent st. augusti (Barcelona). Together withe Salva in our project „uhwum“. Visuals were provided by pixel birds.
In 2013/14 I played at the akw, Bielefeld, Nacht der Klänge, Universität Bielefeld, Galerie d, Nachtansichten/Bielefeld and at Heisenbergweg/Bielefeld.

Since then I moved to techno sounds and trip hop and other kind of electronic variations.
Here are some videos.

Let’s tech




one trip

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